Wednesday 27 February 2013

The Busiest Ever !!!

Assalamualaikum & Holla-holla fellow readers !

Fuhhh fuhh...
Firstly kena la buang habuk-habuk and sawang-sawang dulu...ngeee ~ dah lama sangat tak berusik aku punya blog ni...rinduuuu sangat nak tulis apa aktiviti yang aku jalankan. Tapi, aku baru ada kesempatan...ku harapkan kemaafan dari pihakku kepada pembaca sekalian.
>.< my blog is more beautiful right? (HAHA...perasan je lebih. Biya la..sape lagi nak puji diri sendiri kalau bukan kita kan?) *dayung sampan sendiri pulak aku ni*
Enough ! Okay..let's begin...keke~ kalau bab merapu merayap ni memang aku champion la~

So, through this busy week, sebenarnya aku ada juga join aktiviti yang dianjur oleh my course + subjek + university. It's kinda enjoy actually..hehe..
Salah satunya ialah apabila kami (DPT's program 02) are asked to go to Kg Peliau, Sibuti and make a suvey about Entnik Kedayan. Our group's tittle is : PESTA DAN PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ETNIK KEDAYAN. Our respondent is En Sanai Bin Hashim. He actually cannot talk in proper Sarawakian Malay. So, I just could not understand him. Hehe...En Sanai got fed up with me because I could not stand myself from asking him the same question again and again...hihihi...

Family of DPT 02 in Kg Peliau, Sibuti with Kedayan's people..^^

me at the beach of Kg Peliau. *ada buaya joke !

Next, awal bulan 2 hari tu aku ada join satu program ni...namanya "CATS" program under Baksis 02 di bawah pantauan En Abdul Rahim. We go to Betong for the program's requirement. Guess what? 6 hours in the bus from Bintulu to Betong! 6 hours !! I have never ride on a bus for that long period..huhu...
Antara aktiviti di sana ialah, kami buat program tu macam leadership camp. Gilap bakat-bakat pemimpin muda. Alhamdulillah ~ program tu berjalan lancar dan we have fun at the same time. Right after we finished our program, we go to Cikgu Abang's house and have a bit of reception. Buurrpppp !! Kenyang..HAHAH..teruk kan? 
From there, aku dapati yang long life learning is very important di mana semasa program tu, adik-adik di sana belajar modul yang kami karang, dan kami pun belajar dari mereka.

Seriously, pelajar MRSM Betong are excellent !!! No doubt about that. Unpredictable. Haa..apa lagi? kekeke ~ Ada peristiwa yang tak dapat aku lupakan di mana hanya Family Baksis 02 sahaja yang tahu. Peace.

Family Baksis 02..31 members + En Rahim..^^ sweet memories forever kawan !!

 "KUNG FU PANDA" di bawah penyeliaan Florence,Kak Wawa, Ameerul, Salihin dan Aku..^^ it's okay least I can see your team work!! Miss you guys already ;)

Majlis Penutupan CATS camp. Imbak & me are the MC's. Terpaksa halau pelajar-pelajar ni bersurai sebab they don't want to leave the hall....kikiki ~

tahap kerinduan aku pada korang is 373K..HAHA..we carved the memories together. We go through the hardship and pain together. I hope after this the ukhwah won't fall.


Furthermore, for the assignments..ouh ! Oh Allah...peritnya terasa semester ni punya assignments. I feel like they went and come continuously. Next week will be the last lectures week. Yiipppyy !! hihihi ~
But..but...get ready for final exam.. ouh...lepas tu..

"Terima kasih kerana memilih AIR ASIA sebagai pilihan penerbangan anda. Di sini, kami mengutamakan penumpang kami. Sebarang pertanyaan sila berhubung dengan anak kapal kami."

Antara bukti kerajinan membuat assignment last minute ......

while doing "ROCKY" thriller. Don't ask me what I'm gonna do with that pencil =.=

 above : one "PURPLE" day in U...
middle : while doing experiment...
bottom : mock interview take place...

my advertisement samples..ISTANA I miss Perak so much ! aaauuummm !!!

 this is when we're doing Genetics report..take a snap !! peace!

So, walaupun aku memang busy, but I have my rest time. This is when I'm updating my blog. Banyak sangat memories with all my friends until sometimes I feel like they're my family. Even just for a few weeks I got to know them. Especially my Baksis Team. The earliest team yang keluar berbakti..HAHA...this is how U students managed their time. Assignment pun assignment gak tapi, the aside knowledge pun kena tahu jugak kan? Am I right? Confirm this semester break I'm gonna miss you guys! Hati seorang perempuan macam tu. Sebab, walau seganas mana pun seorang perempuan tu, dia tetap ada sifat penyayang tu. Allah dah fitrahkan perempuan macam tu...
And for En Rahim (paksu) : thanks sebab bagi peluang pada kami untuk mempelajari Kemahiran Insaniah or Soft Skills. Ilmu yang paksu bagi tu harap dihalalkan. :)

betapa aku hargai korang..sampai tak dapat diluahkan face to face. Harap this entry will describe my feelings right now. 

Kesibukan yang aku alami sekarang ni, aku ambil sebagai something positive because I know that someday, what I've learn will help me in the future.

Assignments + Reports + Amali + Lectures + Programs + Tests + Exams = Fun !!!

*credits to : Ain Hidayah & Hidayah for the pictures.

Wassalam ~

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